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About Me

Hi, I’m Bec,

I write naughty romance, fantasy, supernatural, adventure and historical fiction all in the one book. I also help other writers polish their work to a professional level. I have a certificate IV in Professional Writing and Editing from Victoria University and have learned all the important elements that make up the perfect story. I proofread, line edit and structural edit mistakes, plot holes or anything that doesn’t make sense in a story. This includes providing detailed workshopping comments on each chapter with the aim to help improve it to create a stronger plot which helps attract readers.

All writers have a love affair with their books and I know exactly how it feels to be in love with your story. I understand that you don’t want anybody to change any part of it! I strive to make your book shine and I ensure that any information I provide is of value whilst at the same time making sure to support your own unique writers, personal voice. You can read more about what I do here (ADD WORKSHOPPING PAGE HERE)

There are many genres that inspire me. For example, Game of thrones, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, The Notebook, The Avengers, The Chronicles of Narnia, Far from the Madding Crowd and many more!

I prefer to live in my own head. I’m a dreamer and attempt to avoid reality as much as possible. I’m also a romantic at heart and I’m utterly obsessed with books!

I post writing tips and quotes from time to time on my platforms. I also do spiritual, inspirational guidance readings and intuitive readings. My spiritual beliefs are also reflected in my writing.

If your interested, you can follow my FB page here:

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& Twitter here:

One last thing. You won’t see me post here much. I don’t plan on doing many posts at all except for the books I am currently working on. I prefer to spend my time editing and working on my own novels. Not to mention the fact I hate wasting time on social media! There are better things to do like read, read, read and write, write, write! 🙂